
HYC Check In

Rejuvenation Vacation Day 1, down. I picked the perfect week, temperatures in the 80's all week. and I've got the sunburn to prove it. I'm getting back to basics, having loaded the fridge with fresh fruits and vegetables, and I'm planning my meals and have dates with old friends and walking my dog in the early morning when it is still cool enough for him (and me!). I'm loving being home in the evening with my husband, having gotten exercise out of the way. Life is so very good when I take care of myself in a healthy way instead of eating garbage to comfort myself. It's so simple to be well, and yet I still fall sometimes. I was not brave enough to face the scale this morning. I will tomorrow, remembering that the damage will be undone, its not impossible!


Chibi said...

Ooh, this sounds heavenly! Enjoy! :)

Traci said...

Back to the basics...I like that.

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

I'm so glad for you that your vacation has started so well!

Don't expect perfection, just improvement! The scale is simply one representation of your success. Your positive actions (and attitude!) are another indicator that you've got things off to a great start!