
Happy Birthday to Katie Jane Beth Sue and Aimee

Happiest of Birthdays to Katie Jane Beth Sue, my devoted work out buddy, my friend, my salted-caramel making partner, my cart pusher, my Mrs. Chang line-up identifier, super talented quiller and card maker, authority on all things U2, Lord of the Rings, WWII history, Benefit products, wine, chocolate, anything involving the UK, Orlando Bloom and .

Without the support of Katie over the past year and a half, I would not be the owner of this stronger, healthier body that I have today. Without her friendship, I would be much lonelier and absent of mirth. I love relying on her steady and logical advice, and her kindness is a reminder of how everyone should be. Viva Katie!

And Happy birthday to Aimee! The first person to be my friend when I moved from California to Washington, who was so welcoming to me when I was navigating a new high school. Aimee is my dancing partner, my Groove Is in the Heart memory maker, my spinning on the merry go round with Robert and asking boys to Senior Ball friend. She is always available to listen and laugh with, she is an inspiring marathon walker, incredibly graceful dancer and she is the child-whisperer. When that woman becomes a mother, it will be so right! Without Aimee, I would have never met another wonderful woman we know and I would be much more ignorant on social causes. Aimee's sense of building community is so natural and effortless to her and it is so inspiring. Aimee reminds me to be open to all new friendships, to allow all the people in my life to come together in different combinations and that taking care of myself is just as important as taking care of the others in my life. Viva Aimee!

Happy birthday to my favorite Aquarians!


Anonymous said...

Awww! *blushes* Thanks, man! I feeeeeeeeeeel the love! You are too sweet.

"Cart Pusher!"


EVA said...

that was beautiful!! i wanna be your guyes' friend!!!! ;0D

Hanlie said...

They sound exactly like my two best friends! I would be a much poorer person without them, less evolved, less everything!

Hope they have a great birthday!

Wendi said...

Sounds like you have been truly blessed with great friendships! Cherish them, Hang on to them, Be there for them. Tell them i said Happy Birthday too.